Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for using CleverPDF.com! Here you can find the frequent asked questions, and solutions to the most common issues.
PDF to Excel
It takes only 4 steps to convert PDF to Word.
Step 1, choose your PDF file from your local folder or your cloud service.
Step 2. Choose the output format before conversion. docx and doc are available.
Step 3. Click 'Start conversion' button. Your file will be uploaded and processed.
Step 4. Download your Word document when it is completed.
PDF and Microsoft Word are different document formats, many factors will affect the output quality, such as fonts, encoding or the original formatting. The output file may not be exactly the same as the PDF. But our service will try to convert your PDF file as accurate as possible. If you are not satisfied with the result, please send us the PDF file for testing, we will try to figure it out and improve our service.
Step 1, choose your PDF file from your local folder or your cloud service.
Step 2. Choose the output format before conversion. docx and doc are available.
Step 3. Click 'Start conversion' button. Your file will be uploaded and processed.
Step 4. Download your Word document when it is completed.
PDF and Microsoft Word are different document formats, many factors will affect the output quality, such as fonts, encoding or the original formatting. The output file may not be exactly the same as the PDF. But our service will try to convert your PDF file as accurate as possible. If you are not satisfied with the result, please send us the PDF file for testing, we will try to figure it out and improve our service.
PDF to Excel
PDF to Excel is suitable for PDF with tables. If the tables in PDF have clear table borders, which can show us the table structure clearly, the output will be perfect. If the table in PDF doesn't have any table borders, our service will try to detect tables depending on the data structures. You can choose the table detection methods before conversion.
Desktop version lets you mark table areas manually, and provide more flexible options for PDF to Excel. If your PDF file has complex table, it's recommended to try the desktop version.
Desktop version lets you mark table areas manually, and provide more flexible options for PDF to Excel. If your PDF file has complex table, it's recommended to try the desktop version.
PDF to PowerPoint
PDF to PowerPoint lets you convert PDF file to Microsoft PowerPoint format, so you can present your PDF file using PowerPoint, the most common presentation software. Just upload your PDF file, and it will do the rest. Download the output file when the conversion is completed.
PDF to iWork
If you are a Mac OS or iOS users, PDF to iWork is great for you. You can convert PDF to Pages, Numbers and Keynote. So you can easily edit or organize your data using iWork applications, on Mac or iPhone/iPad. The option for PDF to Number is the same as the PDF to Excel. If tables in PDF have very complex structure, it's recommended to try the desktop version, which provides more powerful table conversion features.
Office to PDF
This function is designed for creating PDF file from Microsoft Office documents. You can upload a Word document, Excel Spreadsheet or PowerPoint file. Our service will output a PDF file for you, keeping all the original formatting and content.
Compress PDF
Reduce PDF file size by removing the unnecessary data, and reduce the image quality and dpi within the PDF. The lower dpi and quality you choose, the smaller file will be output, so you can choose the balance between quality and file size by yourself. If your PDF file is text-only without any image, or it was compressed before, the file will not be compressed any more.
Combine PDF
You can upload multiple PDF files from your local folder, then click 'Combine PDF' button to merge files. The total file size of your uploaded files should be smaller than 20MB. Please make sure that your uploaded files are not damaged or encrypted, or the process may not work.
Split PDF
It's an easy way to extract pages from a PDF, or split a large files into smaller files. You can choose the output options on the setting area. If you want to extract particular pages, please enter the page or page range in the text field, for example, 1,3-5,10. Please use comma to separate the page numbers.
Encrypt PDF
You can protect your PDF file by adding an open password, or setting restrictions. Technical speaking, there are two passwords for PDF. You can set an open password, your reader must enter the open password before getting access to the file and viewing the content. Or you can set an owner password, so you can set restrictions for some functions, such as copying and printing. Please note that the owner password and open password can not be the same.
Unlock PDF
If the PDF file you uploaded requires open password, our service can't crack it. It is not a brute-force cracking method, it may take years to crack a simple password. But if you know the open password and you don't want it any more, you can enter the correct open password, and remove it from your files.
If your PDF file is protected by owner password, that means you can view the content, but you can't edit, print or copy the content, our service can remove all the limitations. Simply upload a secured PDF, and the application will return a PDF without any limitations.
If your PDF file is protected by owner password, that means you can view the content, but you can't edit, print or copy the content, our service can remove all the limitations. Simply upload a secured PDF, and the application will return a PDF without any limitations.
Network problem
All the functions provided here require Internet connection. If it takes too long to upload/download/process, please check your Internet connection. Or try again later.
File is too large
The file limitation is 20MB, if your file is larger than 20 MB, it won't be accepted by the server.
File is damaged or encrypted
If the file is not a normal file or damaged, you may get this message. If your PDF file is encrypted, please enter the correct open password and continue or retry.
Fail to process
For some reasons sometimes the application fails to process your file, please try another one or contact support for help. Please attached the file and tell us the function you choose via Email.
Is it safe to upload my files to cleverpdf.com?
The site use secured connection, and your files will only be used for processing. After processing, please download the output file within 10 mins. Your file will be deleted from our server automatically after 30 mins (For some functions you can convert this file again, so we keep the file a little bit longer so user don't need to reupload the file again).
Or you can click delete file from server by yourself after processing. Your file will be removed instantly.
We are working hard on the security of our web service, but please know that once you choose to upload your file to cleverpdf.com, you agree the our privacy policy.
Or you can click delete file from server by yourself after processing. Your file will be removed instantly.
We are working hard on the security of our web service, but please know that once you choose to upload your file to cleverpdf.com, you agree the our privacy policy.
Is your service really free?
Yes, all the functions provided on CleverPDF are FREE! We offer paid version for desktop users. Please learn more about the Mac and Windows version here.
Do you provide desktop version?
Yes, we partnered with Lighten Software, a professional PDF solution provider. We provide Mac and Windows version for desktop users. Desktop version works more efficiently if you are a heavy PDF users. You can process batch conversion, advanced options for PDF conversion and run without Internet connection. More information, please check out the store. Currently we only offer PDF Converter desktop version, more desktop software will be available soon.
Do you provide technical support?
Yes, we'd love to hear your suggestion or report, we will also try to reply all the email within 48 hours. We provide technical support for desktop version too.